There are a lot of things to take into consideration when choosing to bring a dog into your life. With so many breeds to choose from, it can be overwhelming to zero in on the perfect fit. If you’re interested in an intelligent, loyal guardian for you and your family, look no further than the Cane Corso.
The Cane Corso’s Temperament
A member of the Working Group, this breed’s name can be roughly translated to “bodyguard dog”. Highly protective, smart, and trainable, Corsi are ready to serve their owners. While they might look intimidating at first glance, but they’re softies at heart. This loyal breed is more than eager to please their owners.
Frequent mental and physical activity will help ensure Corsi are on their best behavior.

Physical Traits and Grooming Needs
Cane Corsos have a medium-large build. They’re muscular and athletic, standing nearly 28 inches tall and tend to weigh over 100 pounds. Corsi are known for their large heads, alert expressions, and short, stiff, double-layered coat. Their coats come in a variety of colors, from black to a mix of brindles.
Corsi should be brushed weekly through most of the year, and daily during shedding season. Their undercoat, tends to shed heavily in the spring. Regular brushing will help remove dead hair and dirt, while also promoting new hair growth.
How Much Training Does a Cane Corso Need?
Due to both their large size and dominant tendencies, it’s crucial that Cane Corsos are trained and socialized early. Corsi are extremely smart, and obedience training will help ensure they don’t usurp their owners as the boss of the household. Overall, Cane Corsos are eager to please, making them generally easy to train. They respond best to affection and rewards during training.

Are Cane Corsos Good For Families?
Cane Corsos may not be a good fit for all families. Due to the breed’s size, they aren’t the best choice for families with small children. A Cane Corso would fare best with experienced dog owners who truly understand the breed and their need for ongoing socialization.
Being a member of the Working Group, activity is essential to a Cane Corso being well-behaved. They thrive with frequent exercise and mental stimulation. Cane Corsos would be great additions to an active household. They make great companions for runs, long walks, hikes, or bike rides.
How Social Are Cane Corsos?
The Cane Corso isn’t the most social breed. They’re loyal and loving to their families, but due to their protective nature, they tend to be weary of strangers or other animals. It’s crucial to provide Cane Corsos with continuous socialization to prevent aggression when encountering people or situations they may see as potential threats.