Expert Advice: Lifestyle
Easter Safety and Activities for Dogs
Many of our favorite Easter treats and traditions can be dangerous for our dogs, but with some prep, you'll be able to enjoy the day and keep your dog safe.
| March 17, 2023
AKC Title Recognition Summer 2023
The AKC works with non-AKC service and sports organizations to recognize the titles that AKC-registered dogs earn in their programs. This includes the AKC Therapy Dog program and the AKC Search & Rescue program. AKC also recognizes titles of the Barn Hunt Association (BHA); North American Diving Dogs (NADD); the North American Flyball Association (NAFA); […]
| September 26, 2023

Expert Advice: Vet's Corner
What to Do if Your Dog Drinks Alcohol
"I host a lot of get-togethers in my home and my dog “works the room” begging for treats. Most of my guests know not to feed him, but I’m nervous he’ll lap up the alcoholic beverages left unattended without my knowledge. How much alcohol is too much? Are some alcohols more dangerous to dogs than […]
| December 20, 2022

Expert Advice: Nutrition
Which Thanksgiving Foods Can I Give My Dog?
What Thanksgiving foods can dogs eat? Learn which foods are safe and even healthy to share, and what should be avoided.
| November 22, 2022

Expert Advice: General Nutrition
Can Dogs Eat Cabbage?
Cabbage is a heart-healthy food that is popular with people. If you're preparing cabbage for yourself, you might find yourself wondering if it's okay to share this vegetable with your dog. In fact, it is okay to give your dog some cabbage in small quantities. Is Cabbage Good for Dogs? Dr. Jerry Klein, Chief Veterinary […]
| November 18, 2022

Expert Advice: General Nutrition
Can Dogs Eat Pepperoni?
For many people, pepperoni is a favorite pizza topping and a delicious addition to a charcuterie board. This meaty treat is rich in flavor, but can dogs eat pepperoni? No, and here's why it's not safe for your pet. Why is Pepperoni Bad for Dogs? Dr. Jerry Klein, Chief Veterinary Officer for the AKC, explains […]
| November 14, 2022

Expert Advice: Can my dog...
Can Dogs Eat Radishes?
Radishes are a popular and healthy root vegetable for humans. They are low in calories, hydrating, and a great source of vitamins. If you're cooking with radishes, can you share them with your dog? Yes, but only in small amounts; there may even be some health benefits for your pet if they like the unique […]
| November 10, 2022

Expert Advice: Dog Behavior
Don’t Let Dog Begging Ruin Thanksgiving
Begging is a full-time job for many dogs; there are ways to stop your dog from begging. These ideas will help your dog break the habit for Thanksgiving.
| November 8, 2022

Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods
Can Dogs Eat Turkey?
Can dogs eat turkey? Is it good for them? Here is what you need to know about feeding turkey to dogs to get your dog through the holidays safely.
| October 28, 2022

Expert Advice: Natural & Whole Foods
Can Dogs Eat Edamame?
Edamame is a popular snack food or side dish for consumers worldwide. The name of these green soybeans, which are picked while still young, means "beans on a branch" in Japanese. This vegetable has all the essential amino acids the human body does not produce, is low in calories, fat, and sugar, and high in […]
| October 26, 2022