Showing 1-10 of 222 results

Expert Advice: Dog Behavior Help with Housebreaking
  One of the greatest frustrations experienced by new puppy owners is housebreaking, but with patience and consistency every dog can learn not to soil their house. The AKC Good Dog! Helpline trainers recommend “S&S” – Scheduling and Supervision – as the most important components when you are “potty training” your infant canine. Feed your […] | May 28, 2013
Expert Advice: Breeding Tips & Best Practices Puppy Socialization Starts with the Breeder — The Crucial Third Week
Socializing puppies has traditionally been considered the responsibility of the new owner. We instruct them to take the puppy to classes and make sure they are exposed to a variety of people and situations. But more research shows that encouraging a stable temperament can start even before puppies are born. Breeders can do a lot […] | April 11, 2017
Sports & Events Livestock and Your Puppy? Not Yet!
by Lacey Herbel "Don't chew on that!" "Bad puppy! We don't potty inside!" "No! No! No! Stop barking!" When buying a new puppy, many people find that they don't come already trained. There are plenty of things that need to be tweaked before beginning training for a herding dog. Many times a new or even […] | October 26, 2017
Socialize Your Puppy to Fit Your Lifestyle
Expert Advice: Puppy Training Socialize Your Puppy to Fit Your Lifestyle
Effective socialization includes ensuring that your puppy experiences early in life some of the things you know he will encounter later on. Technology requires that hardware devices—computers, smart phones, and so on—have software operating systems that enable them to perform the tasks we want and need. Dog personalities are not unlike technology. Temperament is hard-wired […] | March 23, 2015
Canine Partners From Alley to Rally – Success Story of a Little Street Dog
This story originally appeared in the summer 2012 issue of the AKC Canine Partners News and later was reprinted in a 2013 issue of AKC Family Dog magazine. The story won first place in the 2013 Dog Writers Association of America writing competition in the category of “Magazine Feature Article with the topic of Rescue.”Since […] | April 29, 2015
Canine Partners Road Tripping with Rover
Kathy Matjeka of Colorado Springs, CO, often hits the road with her pooches, Brewster and Zinger, for weekend getaways. Here she offers some tips for making the most of your canine road trips: Stop often for potty, play and exploration breaks. We like to go into small towns along the route where there is often […] | June 5, 2015
Expert Advice: Comfort & Sleep Should Kids Get Dogs?
ASK AKC  All dog owners need expert advice from time to time to meet the challenges of caring for their canines. The American Kennel Club aims to provide you and your purebred dog with the help you asked for. Dear AKC: I'm a 12-year-old-girl and I want to get a dog, but my dad won't […] | October 3, 2015
Expert Advice: Fun With Your Dog Tips for Starting a Jogging Program with your Dog
AKC GoodDog! Helpline trainer Hilarie Erb provides tips for starting a jogging program with your dog. It is important to do this safely and provide the proper training before you take off running! If you are a runner and think that your dog would be the ideal running partner, you may be right. However, there […] | July 22, 2015
Expert Advice: Quizzes QUIZ: What Type of ‘Crazy Dog Person’ Are You?
We've all been there: We're walking with our dog while cooing something really embarrassing (of course in a baby voice), like, "Aren't you the most handsome boy who ever lived? YES! YES, you ARE!" We don't even realize we're talking out loud or how ridiculous we sound until we see our neighbors staring at us. […] | August 17, 2015
Expert Advice: Basic Training I’m Just Little! – Important Reminders for Toy Dog Owners
I'm Just Little! – Important Reminders for Toy Dog Owners AKC GoodDog! Helpline Trainer Breanne Long, owner of two Papillons, discusses the different needs of toy dogs and important things to keep in mind if you own a small dog. The world of a small dog is a very big place. People and dogs are […] | October 1, 2015

Showing 1-10 of 222 results