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Government Relations Blogs

Support our Veterans By Supporting Veterans Access to Service and Therapy Dogs

Golden Retriever Holding Small Flag
On Veteran’s Day, it’s appropriate to remember and thank those who have selflessly served in our nation’s armed forces.  It’s also an opportunity to consider the needs of those veterans who return home in need of ongoing assistance related to their service. The American Kennel Club strongly supports programs that help veterans receive and maintain access to appropriately trained assistance and therapy dogs and urges Congress to continue and expand programs that support Veterans access to service and therapy dogs.

Yesterday, the U.S. Senate passed a bill HR 2029 that expands funding for veterans programs and military construction in 2016.  AKC was pleased to support language in the measure’s committee report that would expand veterans access to service and therapy dogs and ensure that veterans with service dogs who use VA medical centers can bring their service dogs with them when they are receiving medical care.