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Oregon House Bill 2470, which seeks to severely limit the responsible breeding of dogs, will be heard by the Oregon House Consumer Protection Committee on Monday, March 30.  The American Kennel Club and its Oregon federation, the National Animal Interest Alliance, both strongly oppose HB 2470, and encourage all concerned responsible dog breeders and owners in Oregon write or e-mail the committee members.  Respectfully let them know that you oppose HB 2470. 

The American Kennel Club’s mission includes working to protect the rights of all dog owners and promoting responsible dog ownership. The AKC strongly supports the humane treatment of dogs, including providing an adequate and nutritious diet, clean living conditions, regular veterinary care, kind and responsive human companionship and training in appropriate behavior. The AKC believes that numerical limits do not address the underlying issues of responsible ownership and proper dog care. Instead, the AKC supports reasonable and enforceable laws that protect the welfare and health of dogs without restricting the rights of owners or breeders who take their responsibilities seriously.

House Bill 2470:

  • Defines any breeder who sells more than 20 dogs, or 3 litters in a year, as a “pet dealer”.
  • Limits anyone from possessing more than 25 intact dogs four months of age or older.
  • Imposes significant and cumbersome operational requirements on all dog owners who own 10 or more intact dogs.
  • Mandates record-keeping requirements and certain disclosures at time of sale.
  • Requires breeders to comply with an unreasonable consumer protection term of two years.
  • Exempts shelters, veterinarians, pet stores, and research facilities from new standards of care.


The American Kennel Club and the National Animal Interest Alliance encourage all responsible dog breeders and owners to attend the committee hearing on March 30. Here are the details:

Oregon House Consumer Protection Committee Hearing
Monday, March 30, 2009
3:00 p.m.
Capitol, House Room E
Salem, Oregon 97301

We also urge all responsible dog breeders and owners in Oregon to contact their elected representatives and respectfully urge them to oppose House Bill 2470; and to contact the members of the House Consumer Protection Committee and strongly urge them to not report HB 2470 out of committee.

For tips on testifying before the House Consumer Protection Committee, please click here.

For a sample letter to personalize, please click here.

For an e-mail form that will automatically e-mail your elected representatives, please click here.

To find out whom your elected representatives are, please click here.

House Consumer Protection Committee Members:

Representative Paul Holvey, Chair
900 Court St. NE, H-275
Salem, OR 97301
PHONE: (503) 986-1408

Representative Chuck Riley, Vice-Chair
900 Court St. NE, H-274
Salem, OR 97301
PHONE: (503) 986-1429

Representative Jim Weidner, Vice-Chair
900 Court St. NE, H-387
Salem, OR 97301
PHONE: (503) 986-1424

Representative Brent Barton
900 Court St. NE, H-386
Salem, OR 97301
PHONE: (503) 986-1451

Representative Jean Cowan
900 Court St. NE, H-376
Salem, OR 97301
PHONE: (503) 986-1410

Representative Vic Gilliam
900 Court St. NE, H-384
Salem, OR 97301
PHONE: (503) 986-1418

Representative Wayne Krieger
900 Court St. NE, H-381
Salem, OR 97301
PHONE: (503) 986-1401

Representative Greg Matthews
900 Court St. NE, H-379
Salem, OR 97301
PHONE: (503) 986-1450

Representative Carolyn Tomei
900 Court St. NE, H-279
Salem, OR 97301
PHONE: (503) 986-1441

Representative Matt Wingard
900 Court St. NE, H-474
Salem, OR 97301
PHONE: (503) 986-1426


For tips on how to effectively communicate with legislators, please click here. For a copy of our Disagree Diplomatically brochure, please click here.

For more information on this or other legislation, contact AKC’s Government Relations Department at (919) 816-3720, or E-mail; or contact AKC’s Oregon federation, the National Animal Interest Alliance at

Oregon House Bill 2470, which seeks to severely limit the responsible breeding of dogs, will be…