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Tomorrow, rules regulating Commercial Pet Breeders will be considered by the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry. The development of these rules is necessary due to the passage earlier this year of the broadly-supported HB 2921, also known as the Commercial Pet Breeders Act of 2012.

A copy of the rules may be viewed at

Among its many provisions, the regulations provide that:

  • Administration of the Act will be conducted by the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry. Prior to the passage of HB 2921, commercial breeder oversight was provided by a Board of Commercial Pet Breeders.
  • Animals are considered to be adults at 12 months of age; puppies are those dogs less than 12 months of age.
  • Intact female animals are those that are nine months of age or older and not spayed.
  • A person cannot operate as a commercial pet breeder without obtaining a license for each facility the person owns/operates.
  • In addition to prelicense inspections, licensees will be subject to annual inspections that shall be held during normal business hours, with the licensee or representative present during the inspection.
  • Licensees will be offered 30 days to correct deficiencies cited during an inspection.
  • License fees range between $125-$900 and are based on the number of intact females maintained in the licensee's facility.
  • Facilities must meet prescribed standards of care.
  • Licensees must maintain health and sales records.
  • Consumer protection provisions must be adhered to.

For more information, contact AKC's Government Relations Department at (919) 816-3720, or e-mail

Tomorrow, rules regulating Commercial Pet Breeders will be considered by the Oklahoma Department of…