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The AKC Government Relations Department has learned that Senate Bill 460, which seeks to regulate breeders, could be heard in the Senate Commerce committee on Thursday, April 30, or early next week.  It is essential that all North Carolina responsible dog owners and breeders contact the Senate Commerce Committee TODAY and express your opposition to Senate Bill 460.

The American Kennel Club opposes Senate Bill 460 as introduced.  The bill infringes on the rights of responsible dog breeders in North Carolina, and would allow for warrantless inspections of private homes and property. 

The AKC opposes the following provisions of SB 460 as introduced:

  • Defines “commercial breeder” as “any person who, during any 12-month period, maintains 15 or more adult female dogs for the primary purpose of the sale of their offspring as companion animals.  However, neither terms “adult” nor “companion animals” are defined in the bill or statutorily, which makes this definition, as currently worded, vague.  Additionally, the numerical threshold contained in the definition could reasonably affect many hunting and performance kennels in the Tarheel State.
  • Calls for the NC Board of Agriculture to develop standards of care, including exercise, veterinary care, housing, and record-keeping, at commercial breeding operations. However, these standards would be different from standards created for animal shelters, boarding kennels, and pet shops.
  • Limits those classified and licensed as commercial breeders to breeding dogs only between 18 months and eight years of age, without regard to alternative means of reproduction or the health of female dogs not falling into the prescribed age range.
  • Subjects commercial breeding operations to unannounced inspections, including potential warrantless searches of licensees’ homes. Denial of inspections/searches is ground for license revocation and seizure of dogs, regardless of the care being given to the dogs. 

The North Carolina Animal Welfare Act, as provided in Article 3 of Chapter 19A of the North Carolina General Statutes, already effectively deals with animal abuse or mistreatment, making the substance of SB 460 unnecessary. 


The AKC Government Relations Department has learned that Senate Bill 460, which seeks to regulate…