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Last evening, the Michigan Senate approved last-minute amendments that would create a new Animal Welfare Commission to regulate all breeders in the state. 

The bills are now in the House Appropriations Committee and could be considered any day. 

Although Michigan already has extensive laws regulating kennels, this new commission would create further regulations. These would likely include licensing and inspections of everyone in the state who breeds a dog- all at a significant cost to Michigan taxpayers. Read AKCs previous alert for additional talking points and more information.

It is essential for all Michigan residents to call the Appropriations Committee and their State Representative today and ask them to oppose these bills. 

Click here to get contact information for the committee

To find the name and contact information for your State Representative, visit and type your address in the Find Your Elected Officials box. 

Last evening, the Michigan Senate approved last-minute amendments that would create a new Animal Welfare Commission to regulate all breeders in the state.