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National Sibling Day
National Sibling Day
Boxer puppies playing with a big rubber ball.
livingstonphoto /
National Sibling Day
Golden Retriever puppies
National Sibling Day
"Last one to the finish line has to take a bath first!"
National Sibling Day
Pointer puppy scrum!
Two Bull Terrier puppies wrestling in the grass.
KSnumber1/iStock via Getty Images
National Sibling Day
"This doesn't look like Downward-Facing Dog to me!"
National Sibling Day
"You may be bigger, but I'm just as cute."
National Sibling Day
A new dog sport: Springer Spaniel Synchronized Spooning.
National Sibling Day
When you photobomb your sister's selfie.
National Sibling Day
National Sibling Day
© vetdoctor via Getty Images Plus
National Sibling Day

April 10 marks National Sibling Day, and for anyone who grew up with brothers and sisters, your childhood was no doubt full of shared secrets, rivalries, teasing, tears, and plenty of laughs. Siblings learn so much from one another — sometimes what to do, but often, what not to do. They play with each other, fight with each other, guide each other, and stick up for each other. All in all, they definitely make life more interesting!

We’ve rounded up a few photos of puppy “siblings” to celebrate this sacred bond, because who couldn’t use more puppies in their life?!
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