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The Yorkshire Terrier, or “Yorkie,” is currently number 6 on the AKC’s Most Popular Breeds list. Small in stature but big in personality, the Yorkie is intelligent, inquisitive, and a sucker for attention. While originally bred to catch rats in the mills of Northern England, their glamorous coat and loyal nature quickly made them popular as pets in high society. These days, this scrappy little breed can be found in many homes, making it one of AKC’s Top Dogs.

Here we have a selection of our favorite Yorkies (including two of Dogs on Staff).

yorkie with watering can

yorkie in the grass

Yorkie on a peir

yorkie in a dress

yorkie in a blanket

yorkie on the beach

Do you have a Yorkie? Send us a picture! Visit the AKC Family Dog microsite and enter our photo contest. OR send us your pics for AKC Family Dog’s Your Family Dog column. Just email them to Please include “Your Family Dog” in the subject line, and your name and address, as well as your dog’s name and breed, if applicable.

Great things come in small packages!

For everything (well, almost everything) you need to know about Yorkies, take our 60-Second Seminar on the breed.
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This article was originally published in AKC Family Dog magazine. Subscribe today ($12.95 for 6 issues, including digital edition) to get expert tips on training, behavior, health, nutrition, and grooming, and read incredible stories of dogs and their people.
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